Monday 14 October 2013


Delicatessen (1991) is a French film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Mac Caro.

Today I began my research on The Art Of The Title. The first sequence that I watched was Delicatessen. This film is a Black Comedy which means that it is meant to be slightly scary humor. This video is extremely useful to me as it shows me how professionals have made their opening sequence and gives me inspiration for mine. The reason that this is an excellent opening sequence is because of the way the camera glides over all the objects. This is useful as it gives the audience an idea of the mise en scene. The objects that are being shown obviously have something to do with the film. Another reason that the opening sequence is successful is because of the titles embedded in the old technologies and props. For example the photographers name has been edited to be placed into the camera. This is successful as it shows the audience why that persons name is being mentioned. This is also done with the person that did costumes as their name is sewn into an old label. This is used for the same reason: for the audience to see what their job is. A further reason for the opening sequence being a success is because we know that we are obviously somewhere dark, muggy and dirty as all of these objects are covered in dust. This also shows the audience that these objects must be old and we are somewhere that is normally used; an attic for example. The final reason that Delicatessen is useful is because the music flows with the objects that are being shown as the camera glides over them. It flows very well however is slightly upbeat to show that there is tension, suspense and enigma. This shows the audience that as everything is dirty it is not obvious the outcome of the film.

Once we learned about this opening sequence and the way the camera glides over all these different objects we decided to make an opening sequence with this idea in mind. We all bought in props to use which were something that looked or was Vietnamese. We bought in different things such as bowls, chopsticks, kimonos and old newspapers so that it looked authentic. We then glided our camera over these objects by hand to get the effect that Delicatessen does. We named our project Cherie because that was the name of the girl in it who is French living in Vietnam. This can be seen here. I  learnt from filming this piece of work that the filming must be up to standard for example we filmed too quickly so we didn't get the richness that we could have done. We also learnt about what titles to use for our opening sequence and the spacing. We had to make sure that we put the titles in a relevant space rather than just throwing them onto the page. I learnt that we must take this into account when filming rather than leaving it last minute, at the editing. 

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