Monday 3 March 2014


We are looking at ways to distribute our film. One of the main ways to distribute is P&A. This includes posters. Therefore I am going to research professional posters to see what type of things they have on them and see how they show the genre of the film in the poster. 

I have compared thriller and romance posters bellow. 

These posters are clearly thriller as you can tell by the use of dark colours. These visual codes signal to the target audience that it is going to be a dark one: not a bright and happy one. You can also tell because of the people in these images. They both look mysterious and it is quite chilling how they are staring straight at you. These are very different to romance posters, which are bellow. 

With the romance genre is is clear that they are romance due to the image of couples and the brighter colours. Although these are different genres they both have some of the same information on them that the target market need to know.  

All posters have the name of the film, some cast or crews names, when the release date is, a star rating and it can include some sort of slogan

I feel that my information and research helps me to understand what we need on our poster to make sure that it is effective at attracting our target audience and supplying them with the information they need and will want to know. 

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