Monday 31 March 2014


When selecting fonts on iMove we had to make sure that they would fit our genre of psychological thrillers. Therefore we felt that our text should be easy to read and quite simple but professional.

Firstly we looked at Footlight MT Light. This is because it looked similar to the one that we had used in our poster and film website. However we felt that this text was too thin and not bold enough for our opening sequence.

Next we tried Arial Hebrew. This was a lot clearer than the previous font however it wasn't what we were looking for, as we had previously looked on The Art of the Title we had a specific look we were going for.

Finally we decided to use Hiragino Kaku Gothic. This because it is easy to read yet isn't a boring font. We feel that the use of having the names of the crew and cast larger makes the titles look more professional like the ones on The Art of the Title. We decided to use a light font colour as our filming is quite dark as we wanted this effect. Therefore each word stands out boldly. 

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